wild north
Happy Valentine´s Day to all of you!

I thought of a picture that would show everything about friendship, love... And I didn´t find one. So I made one.

There´s no picture in the world that can show us everything that love and friendship´s really about. But look at this picture, and maybe you´ll find something that you find important. Or not, and that means I´ve failed completely making this picture...:)

May you have a great day, and spread some looove!
wild north
Hi guys!

Books again ... :) I found this interesting site; Planet eBook. They have many novels, for free! Dickens, Wilde, Kafka, Bronte, Lawrence and many, many more! Check it out!

Free eBooks at Planet eBook - Classic Novels and Literature You're Free to Share
wild north

I know some lonely Houses off the Road  
I know some lonely Houses off the Road
A Robber'd like the look of --
Wooden barred,
And Windows hanging low,
Inviting to --
A Portico,
Where two could creep --
One -- hand the Tools --
The other peep --
To make sure All's Asleep --
Old fashioned eyes --
Not easy to surprise!

How orderly the Kitchen'd look, by night,
With just a Clock --
But they could gag the Tick --
And Mice won't bark --
And so the Walls -- don't tell --
None -- will --

A pair of Spectacles ajar just stir --
An Almanac's aware --
Was it the Mat -- winked,
Or a Nervous Star?
The Moon -- slides down the stair,
To see who's there!

There's plunder -- where --
Tankard, or Spoon --
Earring -- or Stone --
A Watch -- Some Ancient Brooch
To match the Grandmama --
Staid sleeping -- there --

Day -- rattles -- too
Stealth's -- slow --
The Sun has got as far
As the third Sycamore --
Screams Chanticleer
"Who's there"?

And Echoes -- Trains away,
Sneer -- "Where"!
While the old Couple, just astir,
Fancy the Sunrise -- left the door ajar!
Emily Dickinson
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wild north
Okay... You know when see something, and you just don´t know what to think about? Is it cool or really just junk?  Or so weird? I think this is one of those...  Star Wars Light Saber chop sticks? What? Found it @  japantrendshop

wild north
Okay, I confess. I´m a Mac - a - holic! I just love my Macbook and my Iphone! It´s just so simple, easy and carefree!

I remember when I had a PC. It was always something wrong; some program wouldn´t work, you had to think about viruses and spyware, and too often the ***** thing crashed, completely.

Of course there´s sometimes problems with a Mac. Like once in a year.

Then there´s a lot of great apps for the Iphone. I mean, with ca 100 000 apps, you`ll find what you want!
The latest app I discovered is called Classics. It`s a collection of classic books (Pride and Prejudice, Gulliver´s Travels, Dracula, Alice in Wonderland, Odyssey, for example). They´re easy to read, and you don´t need a reading light!


So, I´m converted! I´ll go on using my Mac (and other Apple products, too).

Have a great weekend!

Very Funny Fanboys
(see more Friends of Irony)
wild north
As I told you before, somethings wrong with my arm. The doctors don´t really know...   I´ve got a time for a knew xray on thursday. But I´m not supposed to use the arm at all.

That makes things really interesting! You don´t realize how much you need your both hands! I feel so handicapped!  My day goes something like this;

1. Putting clothes on with one hand. It´s pretty easy. Until there´s buttons. And, putting on a bra, (not so often if you´re a man, I suppose), it´s almost impossible!
2. Brushing your teeth. Well, you can brush them, but holding your toothbrush with one hand and putting toothpaste on with the same hand...
3. Taking a shower. Yeah, that´s allright. I squeeze shampoo directly in my hair. And most of the bottles content, too.
4. Breakfast. Making (or not!) a sandwich, coffee (more coffee). And helping the kids. Seriously? Right now the kids are helping me.
5. Driving the kids to school. I´ve driven a few times, but it´s not good for anyones health.
6. Cleaning the house, washing up, doing the dishes, doing the laundry, taking care of our pets etc etc. Well, you can imagine. Somethings I can do, most of them I can´t.
7. I´m used to do yoga everyday, I now I can´t! It feels awful! I´ve tried, though, but it´s not really working out...at all! Same goes for photography, I can´t take pics!
8. Making dinner. Here I have to use my imagination! Creative food, anyone?
9. Helping the kids with their homework, with washing, clothing, putting them to bed etc. I can use my voice as usual, and you do need your voice with kids. I´m pretty good at this. (If the painkillers don´t make me so tired I fall asleep on the couch )
10. Look at 1 and 2

So this is how I get thru the day.

We really don´t give enough credit to people who are disabled, and have to get thru everyday with only one arm!
wild north
Before it´s too late. The earthquake in Haiti, it`s so unbelievably horrible! So many people lost their lives, their loved ones, homes, everything... Sitting in a warm house, feeling safe, I just can´t believe it! Let´s do what we can to help the people in Haiti.

Why does it have to be some sort of catastrophe before we really think about these things? It´s so easy to take things for granted, and think "it wont happen to me". Sorry guys, but it can... I thought I´ d never  be in a car crash. Well, I was. I thought I´ d never be seriously ill. Yes, I was (am)... And the worst part for a mum/dad/parent. You don´t think anything will happen to your kid (even if it´s our worst fear). Last autumn, my 7-year old son got a serious infection. We nearly lost him.

But life goes on, and so it should. Today I´m arguing with my son of very trivial things. As usual.

We can´t go on living our lives and be afraid of the worst all the time. But we can, once in a while, pause and think. Think about the great things in our lives, be grateful. Without a disaster. Right?
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wild north
Uuuhh. Monday morning. And nothing´s working as it should.

I tried (about 2 times) to think "oh, what a wonderful morning, the beginning of a new, fresh week"! I  didn´t convince anyone, including myself. The older kids looked at me like I should be locked up somewhere.

But honestly, it´s harder for everyone to get up, find clothes, get dressed, love your sister, eat etc. on a Monday morning. And the kids forget whatever they have to have with them (R was one morning on his way out when he noticed he didn´t have any shoes on...And it was very cold outside!).

I´m trying to get on with one arm, and it isn´t easy. The pain isn´t easy, either... the painkillers doesn´t help, and I can´t sleep or do anything normally.  It´s...frustrating. (I was going to use another word...)

So, if I don´t update my blog so often now, it´s because the pain makes me disoriented. But I´ll be back!
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wild north
...in my wrist! It´s not fun...

I´ve telling everyone how beautiful the winter is. There´s a lot of snow and ice. So, I slipped on the ice and landed on my left arm. I have CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome) in that arm. Now, I have to admit, I´m a little scared. All those terrible treatments I´ve been going thru to get my arm better, I don´t want to do that all over again!

And then, of course, with 4 kids, there´s a lot to do. Cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry, the dishes, getting the kids to school, keeping the house warm etc etc. My husband hurt he s  knee a few weeks ago, so this is just great...

I hope for the best and keep on fighting!

Have a happy weekend!
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wild north

Even though it´s very dark up here in the wild north, the nature´s really beautiful!
wild north
When I was 28, I was in hospital, learning how to walk again. I spent my 29th birthday in hospital. I will not bore you with medical details.

It may sound easy, learning to walk; most of us walk all the time. But it isn´t. Man, it´s hard! Not only physically, but mentally, too. And it´s not easy on family and friends, either. Everything changes, and you`ll now that it will never be the same again. For good and for bad. I know it´s a cliché , but you don´t understand what you got until you´ve lost it. I know I didn´t.

I did learn to walk again. I still have good and bad days, but don´t we all? And my list of diagnosis is longer than my medical list, that´s good, right? :)

Life is a little bit like walking. You learn, think you got it, and then you fall. It´s all about getting up again. It´s not always easy, but you´ll get up. Somehow
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wild north

Yoga is my lifestyle. You can´t really call it a hobby, it´s bigger than that.

I practice Anusara Yoga. It´s difficult for me to explain all the aspects of it, so I´ll leave it to the experts.
The article below is from Anusara Yoga´s homepage; you`ll find it here

About Anusara Yoga

 (a-nu-sar-a), means “flowing with Grace,” “flowing with Nature,” “following your heart.”

Founded by John Friend in 1997, Anusara yoga is a school of hatha yoga which unifies a life-affirming Tantric philosophy of intrinsic goodness with Universal Principles of Alignment. Anusara yoga is growing quickly all over the world with over 250 certified teachers, 750 licensed Anusara-Inspired yoga teachers, thousands of teachers in training, and hundreds of thousands of  students world-wide. Anusara yoga now has a presence on every continent throughout the world, excluding Antarctica.

Anusara yoga's remarkable growth is due in large part to its uplifting philosophy, epitomized by a "celebration of the heart" that looks for the good in all people and all things. Consequently, students of all levels of ability and yoga experience are honored for their unique differences, limitations, and talents. This celebratory vision sets the basis for a yoga school in which the harmony and joy of a tightly knit community of highly trained teachers and fun-loving students is exalted. This community feels like it has the tightness of a family, yet the looseness of a merry band of bohemian artists.

The Anusara yoga community is well networked and organized, yet there is a strong emphasis on creative freedom and individuality. Anusara yoga is held together by everyone's implicit alliance to the spiritual principles of Anusara yoga philosophy, such as celebrating beauty in all its diversity, truthfulness, and honoring the creative freedom of the Divine in all beings. Everyone is aligned with the truth that Grace plays the key role in the successful flow of their practice, classes, and the community itself. Without a rigid dogma, the school is open to continual change and restructuring. Self-examination, discovery, and receptivity to new ideas are foundational to this dynamic system. Individual creativity and investigation are always encouraged within the bounds of basic alignment principles and philosophic precepts of Anusara yoga. Anusara yoga grows with harmony and integrity through the combined vision of our Anusara yoga teachers to unveil the innate goodness, worthiness, and Supreme nature of each student and every being. 

Anusara yoga's remarkable growth is due in large part to its uplifting philosophy, epitomized by a "celebration of the heart," that looks for the good in all people and all things.

The harmony of the Anusara yoga community is also maintained by adhering to a set of ethical guidelines. All Anusara yoga teachers are required to follow these ethical guidelines in order to maintain their teaching license as an Anusara yoga teacher. Please feel free to view these Ethical Guidelines as well as Anusara’s Ethical Grievance Procedure.

wild north
Hi everybody!

I haven´t had the time to post so much, always soo much to do...

Here´s some srapbooking I´ve done (almost everyone has been for a challenge)

About age...:)

Favorite movie quote 
wild north

I promised to tell you about yesterday...

In the morning, I got up 6.30, and waked the kids. Well, 3 of them. R, the youngest, didn´t want to get up;
- Me: "you got to get up NOW!"
-R: "No"
-R:"I´m sick"
-M:"no, you´re not"
-R:"I haven´t slept all night!"
-M:"Yes, you did"
-R:" I can´t find my clothes"
and so on. He did finally get up, found his clothes, ate and washed. Hurray!

Im and F were fighting. When I asked what it was all about, both shouted "I didn´t do it!

V, the only one who was in a good mood, suddenly shouted" muuuum, my pants are too small!" I mean, how much can an 8-year old grow in just a few weeks? We tried at least 3 pairs...

Im was in a bad mood. Well, she´s 14.

We were about to leave (finally), and then, (sigh,) F couldn´t find any socks. He said he had looked and looked and all of his socks were dirty. I knew that wasn´t the case. I went to look, and found many pairs, in the drawer were he keeps his socks...

Sound familiar, anyone?
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wild north
wild north
Oh, what a day it´s bin! Pretty normal for us, I suppose, but still very chaotic... I´ll tell you all about it tomorrow, now I´m too tired...

It has been very very very cold many weeks now, and there´s so much snow! Kids love it, of course. Today it´s been snowing all day long.

Tomorrow it´s friday. Fridaymornings are pretty interesting in our house... Everybody´s so tired, and I have to get all 4 kids up and then drive them to school. The roads are icy; it´s not the best whether to drive (with kids fighting in the car!).

I´ll get back to you guys tomorrow, Good Night!
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wild north
Hi, everybody!

So, I started a new blog. I´m not sure what it´s going to be about, yet.

I´m a 30 + mom, wife, friend, blogger... I like photography, books, poems... Yoga is a lifestyle, not a hobby. And I do a little scrapbooking, when I find the time. And I love challenges! We have four kids (7, 8, 12, 14), a cat and two dogs. We live in Finland.

I hope some of you find my blog, share the ups and downs of life (married, with children! :) So maybe we can be "bloggerfriends". And please, do comment!

Have a nice day!