wild north
As I told you before, somethings wrong with my arm. The doctors don´t really know...   I´ve got a time for a knew xray on thursday. But I´m not supposed to use the arm at all.

That makes things really interesting! You don´t realize how much you need your both hands! I feel so handicapped!  My day goes something like this;

1. Putting clothes on with one hand. It´s pretty easy. Until there´s buttons. And, putting on a bra, (not so often if you´re a man, I suppose), it´s almost impossible!
2. Brushing your teeth. Well, you can brush them, but holding your toothbrush with one hand and putting toothpaste on with the same hand...
3. Taking a shower. Yeah, that´s allright. I squeeze shampoo directly in my hair. And most of the bottles content, too.
4. Breakfast. Making (or not!) a sandwich, coffee (more coffee). And helping the kids. Seriously? Right now the kids are helping me.
5. Driving the kids to school. I´ve driven a few times, but it´s not good for anyones health.
6. Cleaning the house, washing up, doing the dishes, doing the laundry, taking care of our pets etc etc. Well, you can imagine. Somethings I can do, most of them I can´t.
7. I´m used to do yoga everyday, I now I can´t! It feels awful! I´ve tried, though, but it´s not really working out...at all! Same goes for photography, I can´t take pics!
8. Making dinner. Here I have to use my imagination! Creative food, anyone?
9. Helping the kids with their homework, with washing, clothing, putting them to bed etc. I can use my voice as usual, and you do need your voice with kids. I´m pretty good at this. (If the painkillers don´t make me so tired I fall asleep on the couch )
10. Look at 1 and 2

So this is how I get thru the day.

We really don´t give enough credit to people who are disabled, and have to get thru everyday with only one arm!
2 Responses
  1. Hey- I hear you. Nothing is wrong with my arm, but this morning, I moved the couch to retrieve a toy for my son, and I did something to my neck. I've been to the chiropracter, and it honestly feels worse. IT was easier getting the kids dressed than myself. It took me a solid half hour.

    following now from MBC. Great blog!

  2. wild north Says:

    Thank you! I now what you mean...It not so easy as we think!