Yoga is my lifestyle. You can´t really call it a hobby, it´s bigger than that.
I practice Anusara Yoga. It´s difficult for me to explain all the aspects of it, so I´ll leave it to the experts.
The article below is from Anusara Yoga´s homepage; you`ll find it here
About Anusara Yoga
Anusara (a-nu-sar-a), means “flowing with Grace,” “flowing with Nature,” “following your heart.”
Anusara yoga's remarkable growth is due in large part to its uplifting philosophy, epitomized by a "celebration of the heart" that looks for the good in all people and all things. Consequently, students of all levels of ability and yoga experience are honored for their unique differences, limitations, and talents. This celebratory vision sets the basis for a yoga school in which the harmony and joy of a tightly knit community of highly trained teachers and fun-loving students is exalted. This community feels like it has the tightness of a family, yet the looseness of a merry band of bohemian artists.
The Anusara yoga community is well networked and organized, yet there is a strong emphasis on creative freedom and individuality. Anusara yoga is held together by everyone's implicit alliance to the spiritual principles of Anusara yoga philosophy, such as celebrating beauty in all its diversity, truthfulness, and honoring the creative freedom of the Divine in all beings. Everyone is aligned with the truth that Grace plays the key role in the successful flow of their practice, classes, and the community itself. Without a rigid dogma, the school is open to continual change and restructuring. Self-examination, discovery, and receptivity to new ideas are foundational to this dynamic system. Individual creativity and investigation are always encouraged within the bounds of basic alignment principles and philosophic precepts of Anusara yoga. Anusara yoga grows with harmony and integrity through the combined vision of our Anusara yoga teachers to unveil the innate goodness, worthiness, and Supreme nature of each student and every being.
Anusara yoga's remarkable growth is due in large part to its uplifting philosophy, epitomized by a "celebration of the heart," that looks for the good in all people and all things.
The harmony of the Anusara yoga community is also maintained by adhering to a set of ethical guidelines. All Anusara yoga teachers are required to follow these ethical guidelines in order to maintain their teaching license as an Anusara yoga teacher. Please feel free to view these Ethical Guidelines as well as Anusara’s Ethical Grievance Procedure.